aPuZZleCom : A Cool Website!
I came across the aPuZZleCom website via a post on Reddit.
I’m glad I found it – as the name suggests
(and how it is capitalised!)
it is pretty cool & quirky
with lots of hidden treasures to be found!

APuZZleCom – Why & When?
APuZZleCom started back in 2021 by Rubén Moren.
I asked Ruben why he started the website?
“I wanted to try to do a personal project that could combine time with raising my daughter Laura, now 8 years old,
applying my knowledge and experience in software development
combined with a niche that gives me pleasure
and another way to relate to one of my favorite hobbies, puzzles.”

What are your Favourite Puzzles?
“As for my favorite puzzles, there are European brands like Ravensburger, Educa or Clementoni, possibly because they are the ones I have had the most access to from Latin America, first in Argentina, then in Brazil where I am currently.”
Just look at all the amazing brands Ruben has on his site!

What are your Dreams for APuZZleCom?
“Thanks to the site, I have been able to discover thousands of interesting puzzles,
from popular brands and new ventures, mainly from the USA.
Maybe, at some point, I can try them all!
For now I am content with having them on my site and helping to spread the word.”

New Online Puzzle section
Ruben has just started a new section for the fast growing Online Jigsaw Puzzles.
I’m proud that EverythingJigsaw is the first brand on there!

My First Entry chosen by Ruben!
Ruben selected my Palermo Pizza as his first-ever Online Puzzle entry.
I’m sure there is probably a reason behind that choice!
I will be adding all my puzzles as soon as I have time!
Have a look at Ruben’s website APuZZleCom
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