How long do Jigsaw Puzzles take?
How long do Puzzles take? How about Speed Puzzling?! How long does a 500 or 1000 piece jigsaw
Find out how long a 500 & 1000 piece jigsaw

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How long does a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle take if you are the USA jigsaw puzzle champion?
At the 2024 US
The next USA Jigsaw Nationals 2025 wll be held from 4th to 6th April 2025 in Washington DC
How long does a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle take if you are the UK jigsaw puzzle champion?
At the 2024 British
The British Jigsaw Puzzle Championships 2025 will be in Bradford for the first time on 5th April.

How long does a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle take if you are the World jigsaw puzzle champion?
At the 2024 World
The next World Jigsaw Puzzle Championships will be held from 15th to 21st September in Valladolid, Spain

How long to solve an all white jigsaw puzzle ?
This is what Daron calculated here on the Mathematics website. However, it was based on a completely blank, white jigsaw
How long should it take to complete a jigsaw puzzle ?
I will write more about this in the future in more detail, but 10 factors below.
- Number of pieces – does a 1000 piece jigsaw actually take twice as long as a 500 piece
puzzle ? - Puzzle piece shape – do they all look the same and can be easily misplaced?
- Puzzle cut – are pieces cut randomly, in a grid, or even have no edges pieces at all!
- Colour variation – is half the
puzzle made of blue sky with no clouds? - Style & detail – painted or photographic? Broad repeating brush strokes or identifiable, sharp, unique detail?
- Jigsaw
puzzle accessories – do you have a board and sorting trays to help? - Are you using the picture? Some companies supply a separate picture; others have it on the box. Some puzzlers don’t even use the picture!
- Technique – do you sort out the jigsaw into separate areas first?
- Male or Female – now that’s an interesting one! Will you be surprised at the research results?
- The Jigsaw Puzzler – what levels of skill & experience do you have?
Doubling the number of puzzle pieces = twice as long?
Some say it is as simple as doubling the number of pieces doubles the time taken. This isn’t actually true, as edge pieces are the easiest to place, and there are relatively more edge pieces in a 500 piece
Some say doubling the number of pieces is not double the difficulty but four times. The reasoning is that if you look for an individual piece, you must look for it amongst all the remaining pieces in the box.
500 vs 1000 piece puzzle
So, for a 500 piece
A 500 piece
The main reasons why it is not four times as hard is the use of colour & visual recognition as factors that can divide a larger

Could you be the 1000 piece Jigsaw Puzzle World Champion?
(… sorry you officially can’t!)
The next World Jigsaw
on 20-24 Sept 2023.
The individual championship uses a 500pc
So sorry, you can’t actually be the 1000 piece world champion!
However, you can be a 1000 piece pairs champion.
The winning pair of Gisela Arranz Toro & Alejandro Clemente León from Spain
took 1 hour, 32 minutes and 18 secs for a 1000 piece jigsaw
The first World Jigsaw
The 2023 British Jigsaw championship took place on 25th June at Newmarket.
Sarah Mills was champion again for the ninth year running.

How long does a 500 piece puzzle take for the World Champion?
In Sept 2023, Alejandro Clemente León from Barcelona won the 500 piece championship again
in a slightly slower time this year of 37 minutes and 59 secs.
What is the average time to complete a 1000 piece puzzle ?
There have been no official research (none that I could find anyway), but looking at puzzlers’ answers from Quora, Reddit, Mumsnet and Facebook, the results are actually quite clear. The time to do a jigsaw
The ‘average person’ would take between 2 and 8 hours to complete a 500 piece
and between 5 hours and 15 hours for a 1000 piece
… but who is Mr or Ms Average? Who doesn’t stop puzzling to make a cup of tea or reply to a phone message?
Different puzzles completed by the same person have hugely varying times according to the ten factors of difficulty.
Is the average 1000 piece puzzler quicker at puzzles than the average 500 piece puzzler?
Probably, so comparing times with different puzzles is not very scientific.
The UK champion’s average time for a 1000 piece
So … if the average person did the average
9 hours for a 1000 piece jigsaw
Speed Puzzling
What is speed puzzling? was created by Jonathon Cluff in Jan 2020.
It involves puzzlers competing in person but also online – great timing as Covid was just about to turn the world upside down.
There are currently speed puzzlers in the USA, Canada, and the UK, and it is expanding to more countries.
Find out the current fastest Speed Puzzlers here.
Sarah Schuler was fastest in 2023 for a 1000 piece Cobble Hill
In 2024, it is currently Andrea Pang in 1:55:29. I’m sure she won’t be the fastest for long!
So … how long does it take to do a jigsaw puzzle ?
It would depend on ten factors, including the number of
How long does it take to do a 500 piece jigsaw
A 500 piece jigsaw
If you have a world champion partner, you could do a 1000 piece jigsaw
How long does a jigsaw
(and who drinks the average number of cups of tea or coffee!)
How long does a 300 piece puzzle take? – 1 to 2 hours
How long does a 500 piece puzzle take? – 3 to 5 hours
How long does a 1000 piece puzzle take? – 8 to 10 hours
How long does a 2000 piece puzzle take? – 16 to 24 hours
How long does a 5000 piece puzzle take? – 48 to 72 hours
The real answer – it should take you as long as you want it to.
Enjoy the journey as well as the destination!
Have you ever done a wooden jigsaw
They are a completely new experience with their fantastic intricate shapes and ‘whimsies’.
If you liked this article, find out my thoughts on the most interesting jigsaw puzzle for adults, a perfect puzzle for Grandad, how to become a jigsaw puzzle artist, and a visit to a Jigsaw Festival!